Lean more about the ProfondConnect company portal.

ProfondConnect is your main point of access for managing your occupational pension. You can register new admissions, make changes and enter notifications. As a result, you have an overview at all times of the insured data for your employees and no longer need to fill out forms. 

With ProfondConnect, you manage the occupational pensions of your employees more efficiently and easily thanks to:

  • Information about the plan allocations, contracts and settlement terms
  • A view of your invoices, credits and accounting entries
  • The ability to order a contribution analysis
  • An overview of the pension-related data for all employees 
  • Management of insured persons for changes and notifications
  • Salary notifications and changes
  • Provisional contribution calculations
Your advantages with ProfondConnect:

Lean and fast processes
ProfondConnect simplifies the notification of changes and events. You can enter these directly in the portal, making it unnecessary to complete forms in many cases and enabling you to receive direct confirmation that your document has been filed. 

Access to current data
You have a comprehensive overview of and control over the data of your employees at Profond. You also have a view of your invoices, credits and accounting entries. Filter functions help you search for specific items.

A central place for everything related to occupational pensions
Whether you’re looking for notifications, changes or information, you’ll find everything in your portal. This also includes useful links and tips as well as news related to your pension fund.

Stored safely
Your details and documents are encrypted end-to-end and stored in a data centre in Switzerland. Two-factor authentication provides additional security.

Current information is sent directly to you
Information and documents about occupational pensions are sent to you directly in the portal. You are informed about new messages via an e-mail notification.

Accessible at all times and from anywhere
Manage the occupational pensions of your employees independently and from anywhere.


More information about ProfondConnect

Questions and answers about digitalisation

Can I benefit from interfaces, for example, to my own salary processing system?

Interfaces to salary processing systems are a key element of any digitalisation effort. For this reason, we are planning to enable extensive system connections in the short term. For now, we are reviewing the options for implementing such connections via an interface file. You should therefore let us know which salary processing system you are using.

What are the benefits of the new ProfondConnect portal for me as an employer?

ProfondConnect provides you with an overview of all relevant data and information related to the occupational pensions for your company at all times. You can make changes yourself and receive confirmation directly in the portal. In addition, automated system connections make manual entries unnecessary, reducing sources of errors and increasing data reliability. 

How do insured persons receive their insurance certificates?

The insured will receive their own login for the ProfondConnect employee portal. The pension certificate is provided electronically in the portal.

What is the benefit of ProfondConnect to employees?

The ProfondConnect employee portal makes occupational pensions clearer for your employees. In addition to their pension certificates, employees will find additional information about their pension fund and can simulate various questions. For example, they can see the effect of a change in salary, a purchase, retirement or an early withdrawal for home ownership promotion. The corresponding applications can also be submitted via the portal.

How are invoices issued?

In the new administration system, invoicing for all affiliations will be quarterly and in arrears. If you have been making monthly payments, you can make monthly advance payments. The advance payments will be deducted from the invoice amount on the quarterly invoice. If there is a net amount due, this amount must be paid using the enclosed payment slip. If the advance payments are greater than the invoice amount, the balance will be carried over the next period. Reimbursements for excess payments are not possible and any credit amounts will not accrue interest. Your current account balance can be seen in the account statement in the portal.

Information about the project interest rate

The projected interest rate is used to calculate the expected retirement assets and old-age pensions at retirement age. This is a hypothetical interest rate and is not guaranteed. The projected interest rate is defined by the Profond Foundation Board and reviewed annually. The projected interest rate determined by the Foundation Board corresponds to the Profond technical interest rate. A different projected interest rate has been defined in the pension plan for some affiliations. Starting on 1 January 2021, Profond will harmonise the projected interest rate for all affiliations so that it corresponds to the technical interest rate. It is not necessary to immediately change the pension plan for this purpose.

Will digitalisation result in more work for me?

Entering new employees and changes does, of course, take time. However, doing so will make it unnecessary to send correspondence regarding changes, and you will have an overview of your current data at all times. Furthermore, administration expenses will be lower, and you will benefit from a reduction in administration costs of 25%. With the use of ProfondConnect, the minimum administration costs premium is CHF 60 per year and insured person, with a maximum premium of CHF 600 per year and insured person. The insured salary is used to determine the amount of the administration costs premium. An exception are online pension plans with a fixed administrative cost premium of CHF 300 per year and insured person.

I am managed by a broker. How do I receive access to my data?

In ProfondConnect, go to the “User administration” menu and create a login for your broker. To do so, you will need your broker’s first name, surname and mailing address. The broker will be informed of the new access. Brokers can log in with their own login details.

What options will my broker have if I give him/her access to ProfondConnect?

Brokers who are granted access will be able to see all of the data that you, as an employer, can see in ProfondConnect. Your broker will also be able to make changes for you.

What happens if I no longer need my broker’s support?

The employer is responsible for user administration. As the employer, you must deactivate access to ProfondConnect.

ProfondConnect doesn’t work properly in my browser. What can I do?

To be able to use ProfondConnect in the best possible way, we recommend using the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Chromium browser. Microsoft has discontinued support for Internet Explorer 11. This can increasingly lead to problems, meaning for example that certain ProfondConnect functions cannot be accessed. Various browsers can be downloaded directly from the web and installed.

Our company has joined Profond for our occupational pension. When will we receive the activation code for ProfondConnect?

You will receive the registration code by post as soon as we have received the registration lists of the insured and included them in the fund.

Individual workers at our company do not have their own e-mail address and/or mobile number. Can these insured persons continue to have their documents sent to them in the future?

Unfortunately, we do not have the option of excluding individual insured persons from this digitisation.

In order for insured persons to receive their insurance certificates and other documents, they need access to ProfondConnect. The e-mail address through which the account is accessed can be chosen freely. If insured persons do not own a mobile phone, it is also possible to send the activation code to a Swiss land line. In this case, the code is read aloud on the phone.

Do you have any other questions?

Did we not answer your question here, or would you like further information? Please get in touch with us – we are at your service.
