What is the death lump sum? When will it be paid and who will benefit from it? You can find out more about this and how you can appoint certain groups of people as beneficiaries yourself here.

In the event of the death of an insured person before receiving a pension and before reaching the normal retirement age, the existing retirement assets are paid out as a lump sum payable at death. If the pension plan provides for an additional lump sum payable at death, this is paid additionally and independently of other death benefits.

The survivors of the insured person are entitled to the lump sum payable at death and the additional lump sum payable at death according to a certain order of precedence. The order of precedence is laid down in Profond’s pension regulations and can be seen in the Information sheet “Cohabitation / lump sum death benefit”.

As an insured person, you can change the order of precedence of certain beneficiaries or benefit individuals within a group of beneficiaries with different shares. To do so, we need a written notification. The easiest way is with the forms “Order of beneficiaries for lump sum payable at death” and “Order of beneficiaries for additional lump sum payable at death”. Remember to resubmit your beneficiary order if your life situation changes – e.g. due to the birth of children – and you want to benefit other people.

Explanatory video (available only in German)