Do you have any questions? Select the appropriate topic, get helpful information or ask us your question. We will be happy to get in touch with you.

To which group do you belong?

Insured persons
Distribution partners

What do you need help with?

Criticism & complaint
Pension plan adjustment
General questions

What do you need help with?

New to Profond
Pension certificate
Change of address
Home ownership
General questions
Criticism & complaint

What do you need help with?

Schedule an appointment
Key figures
General questions
Criticism & complaint

Change of address

How can I change my address?

Notify us of your new address directly in our ProfondConnect portal for insured persons: in the menu under "Change details – Change of address". 

Have you registered in ProfondConnect yet? You will find a registration guide here.  

If you do not have access to ProfondConnect, report your new address to your employer.  

ProfondConnect login


I'm switching to a new employer. What do I have to do?

Are you switching to a new employer and are therefore no longer insured with Profond? This is what you need to do: 

  • Inform Profond about your new employer and the new pension fund by using the form "payment details for vested benefits".
  • If available, enclose the payment slip of the new pension fund. 
Emigration to an EU/EFTA State. How can I obtain my pension funds?

If you are moving away from Switzerland, you can withdraw money from your pension fund.  

Non-compulsory part 
The non-compulsory part of the vested benefits can be paid out in cash. For the payment, please send us the following information by post:

  • Completed form "vested benefits transfer payment details"
  • Additional documents as specified on the form

Statutory part of the vested benefits  
The statutory part of the vested benefits (retirement assets in accordance with the BVG) remains in Switzerland. Please provide us with a vested benefits institution of your choice on the form.  

Special rules 
If you are not subject to the compulsory social security obligation in your new state of residence, you can request the cash payment of the entire vested benefits. The required form can be found on the website of the LOB Guarantee Fund. 

Website LOB Guarantee Fund
Emigration to a third country. How can I obtain my pension funds?

If you take up residence outside the EU/EFTA and are not obligatorily insured within the EU/EFTA, you can receive the entire vested benefits in cash. For the payment, please send us the following information by post:

  • Completed form "vested benefits transfer payment details"
  • Additional documents as specified on the form 
I was insured with Profond some time ago. How do I get my pension funds?

If we have not received any information about the transfer of your vested benefits six months after your termination, these will be transferred (based on the Vested Benefits Act) to the LOB Guarantee Fund: 

Website LOB Guarantee Fund

General questions

How can I register my life partner with Profond?

Report your life partnership to us by filling out the “Notification of cohabitation” form and sending us via the contact form in ProfondConnect.

You can find all information about the recognition of your life partnership at:

Marriage and partnership
Ich habe Fragen zur Pensionskasse. Können Sie mich beraten?

I have questions about the pension fund. Can you advise me?

As a pension fund, we may only inform, but not advise on financial matters. Depending on the questions you have, please contact your financial advisor or the BVG Information Association.

Website BVG Information Association
I would like to order an up-to-date pension certificat

You can download the pension certificate (also as of the effective date) in ProfondConnect or order it by post for a fee. More information and the order form (scroll down a little bit) can be found here: 

How to obtain your pension certificate
I made voluntary contributions/purchases. Where and how can I get the confirmation for the tax return?

After you have made your purchase, you will receive a confirmation in your notifications in ProfondConnect with the name "Certificate of pension contributions".  

Can I also receive/send back the form stating that I am still alive digitally in the future?

No, the “Proof of Life and Marital Status” form is sent exclusively by post, as the original is necessary for official confirmation.  

New to Profond

What do I have to do to transfer my pension funds to Profond?

Create the corresponding QR payment slip directly in our ProfondConnect insured portal and send it to your previous pension fund. You can find the function under “Overview – Payment slip for vested benefits”. You will receive the access code for ProfondConnect by post. 

Alternatively, your new employer can provide you with the Profond account number.  

Login ProfondConnect
My ProfondConnect access code has expired. Where can I order a new one?

You can order a new activation code here: 

Requesting a ProfondConnect login

Pension certificate

I would like to order an up-to-date pension certificate.

You can download the pension certificate in ProfondConnect or order it by post for a fee. More information and the order form (scroll down a little bit) can be found here: 

How to obtain your pension certificate
How do I receive a pension certificate for a specific date?

At the beginning of the year, all working persons insured with Profond will receive their pension certificate in ProfondConnect. If you need an earlier pension certificate or if there were changes to your deposits/data, you can request a pension certificate at any time as of the effective date. You can generate this in ProfondConnect or order it by post for a fee. More information and the order form (scroll down a little bit) can be found here: 

How to obtain your pension certificate
I have a power of attorney for an insured person. How do I have to proceed to receive their pension certificate?

Pension certificates are only provided to insured persons. You can download the pension certificate in ProfondConnect or order it by post for a fee. More information and the order form (scroll down a little bit) can be found here:

More information


My access code has expired.

You can order a new access code here: 

Requesting a ProfondConnect login
I have changed my phone number and can no longer log in. What do I have to do?

Proceed as follows:

  • Login with e-mail and password as usual
  • Then click on "Report loss/change of my device"
  • Select and confirm selection “Remove all multi-factor authentication completely”

You will then receive a new activation disc by post and you can save a new phone number for two-factor authentication.  

I have a new e-mail address. What do I have to do?

As usual, you can log in with the old e-mail address and then change it in your user profile in ProfondConnect.  

To the guide


I'm about to retire. Where can I find the amount of my pension?

This can be found on your pension certificate. You can download the pension certificate in ProfondConnect or order it by post for a fee. More information and the order form (scroll down a little bit) can be found here: 

How to obtain your pension certificate

In ProfondConnect, you can also simulate various scenarios for your retirement. You can find the function in the insured portal of ProfondConnect under "Simulations – Retirement". 

I am drawing a retirement pension: how do I get the pension certificate?

If you are drawing a retirement pension, you will no longer receive a pension certificate, but a pension card (for your taxes). You will receive this by post at the beginning of the year. You can re-order the pension card by e-mail via leistungen(at)profond(.)ch. 

My retirement is imminent – can you advise me?

Information on retirement can be found here:


As a pension fund, we may only inform, but not advise on financial matters. Depending on the questions you have, please contact your financial advisor or the BVG Information Association.

Website BVG Information Association
How do I change the account into which my pension is paid?

In the event of an account change, we need a written notification of the new bank details. You can send them to us by post or by e-mail to   

A relative who is insured with Profond has died. Do I have to send a death confirmation?

You can report the death to us by e-mail to leistungen(at)profond(.)ch. After that, we will send you a letter indicating all the documents we need from you.  

A relative who is insured with Profond has died. How do I get the pension certificate for the tax return?

The pension certificate is automatically created in the event of death and sent to the surviving dependants. You can order a copy by e-mail to leistungen(at)profond(.)ch. 


How do I obtain the Feasibility Declaration?

To do so, fill out the form ""Questionnaire allocation of vested benefits in the case of divorce" and submit it to the person responsible for you in pension support.

Where can I find the amount of my retirement assets on the date of the marriage?

You can find this amount on your pension certificate on the second page under "Additional information - Vested benefits in the event of marriage".

You can download your current pension certificate in ProfondConnect or order it by post for a fee. More information and the order form (scroll down a little bit) can be found here: 

How to obtain your pension certificate


A relative who is insured with Profond has died. Do I have to send a death confirmation?

You can report the death to us by e-mail to leistungen(at)profond(.)ch. After that, we will send you a letter indicating all the documents we need from you.

A relative who is insured with Profond has died. How do I obtain the pension certificate for the tax return?

The pension certificate is automatically created in the event of death and sent to the surviving dependants. A copy can be ordered by e-mail to @email.

I'm drawing a retirement pension. Is there a right to a death benefit if I die?

In the event of death within the first three years of becoming a pensioner a decreasing lump sum payable at death will be paid out to the surviving dependants.

All details can be found in the Pension Fund Regulations Art. 17(2): Pension Fund Regulations with explanations and examples | Profond

Home ownership

Where can I see how much capital I have in the 2nd pillar that I could use for home ownership?

You can find this amount on your pension certificate under additional information – Maximum possible withdrawal for home ownership.

You can download the pension certificate in ProfondConnect or order it by post for a fee. More information and the order form (scroll down a little bit) can be found here: 

How to obtain your pension certificate
Can I use the capital for home ownership in other countries?

Yes, provided you use the residential property yourself and this is your main residence. 

What should I do to repay the early withdrawal for home ownership?

You can deposit the amount with the note “Repayment home ownership promotion”. The bank details can be found in ProfondConnect. 

Changing pension funds

What do I need to know when changing pension funds?

General information

Changing your pension fund needs to be well prepared and organised. This includes timely and transparent information for employees and their active participation in the decision-making process.

Before you start the change process, consider the following:

  • A good pension solution: A good solution ideally covers the needs of both employees and employers. However, there is no one perfect solution for everyone, but different options that always include compromises.
  • Using a broker: A broker can help with the selection process. You can find an overview of the sales partners Profond works with here.

The change process involves the following steps:

  • Organisation: Depending on the size of your company, it is advisable to set up a working group for the change process, made up of employer and employee representatives.
  • Information: The working group will inform employees of the intention to change and the cooperation procedure.
  • Criteria and offers: The working group will determine the criteria for the selection of a new pension fund and seeks offers.
  • Information session: The working group will present the various options, including their advantages and disadvantages, to your employees.
  • Obtaining consent: The working group will seek the consent of the employees.

Shortening the deadline

For a change to be possible, your contract needs to be terminated by the end of the year. The notice period normally ends on 31 June. This means that you should lodge a request with your current pension fund to shorten the deadline, so that you have until 30 September for termination.

Requesting an offer in four steps

In each case, we check thoroughly whether an employer who wishes to switch to Profond is a good fit for us. This will protect our existing clients and insured persons. To carry out this audit, we need confidential documents from the interested companies.

So that we can review your request and make you an offer, if necessary, please follow the step-by-step instructions below.

1. Check whether your company is a good fit for Profond

  • Your company employs at least 5 people.
  • Its registered office is in Switzerland.
  • Your company is registered in the commercial register Central Business Name Index.

Companies from the following sectors are excluded:  

  • Hospitality (hotels, restaurants, cafés, etc.)
  • Housekeeping (domestic workers)
  • Agriculture and forestry
  • Taxis
  • Massage salons
  • The defence industry

2. Notice period

Check the notice period of your current pension fund (usually 6 months before the contract expires) and make sure that a change can take place at all. If necessary, make a request to your current pension fund to shorten the notice period, so that you have until 30 September for the termination.

3. Compile the documents required

  • The existing affiliation agreement with your current pension fund
  • Your current pension plans
  • A personnel list with the following information:
    • SC number (formerly the AHV No.)
    • Date of birth
    • Marital status
    • Workload
    • AHV salary
  • Any loss compensation with details of the last 5 years
  • List of benefits
  • The retirement assets of your insured persons, divided into mandatory and non-mandatory
  • If you have a daily sickness allowance insurer, we will need their policy number.

The aforementioned documents can usually be found here:

  • You can request the list of benefits, the retirement assets of your insured persons and the loss compensation from your current pension fund. Please send your current pension fund a request to send the tender documents directly to in an encrypted e-mail.
  • You should already have the pension plans and affiliation agreements. If not, you can also request them from your pension fund.

For newly founded companies without an existing pension fund, we only need the personnel list.

4. Send the documents required to the following address: Do not forget to send us a second e-mail with the same subject line and the password you use for the documents.

Please note that there is no entitlement to an offer from Profond, even if your company meets all of the criteria mentioned and you have submitted all of the documents necessary. We reserve the right to refuse to issue an offer without stating reasons.


If you are satisfied with our offer and have signed it, we will issue you a confirmation of cover. After that, you can terminate your current pension fund.

Self-check: Have you thought of everything?

  • Is your company a GmbH or AG?
  • Are the headquarters in Switzerland?
  • Does your company have at least five employees?
  • Have you put together all of the documents necessary?
  • Can the existing contract be terminated?

If you can answer these questions with “yes”, send the collected documents to 
We look forward to hearing from you.Allgemeine Informationen

How can we help you?

We will be happy to provide you with a quote for five or more insured persons.

How should we contact you?

How can we help you?

How can we help you?

How should we contact you?
Reason for your inquiry
We will be happy to provide you with a quote for five or more insured persons.