Please let us know if an employee leaves your company.
Employees must be de-registered from the occupational pension scheme by the employer if the employment relationship ends or if the entry threshold according to the pension plan is no longer reached. It is also necessary to de-register employees who take early retirement.
Please notify us of the termination via the online portal ProfondConnect. If your former employee has not informed you of their new pension fund, you do not have to worry about it. Simply report the termination to us without this information. We will contact the insured person directly.
Employees who leave your company up to and including the 15th day of a month will withdraw from the pension fund at the end of the previous month. In the case of terminations from the 16th day of a month onwards, membership of the pension fund is terminated at the end of the current month.
Employees must be de-registered from the occupational pension scheme by the employer if the employment relationship ends or if the entry threshold according to the pension plan is no longer reached. It is also necessary to de-register employees who take early retirement.
Please notify us of the termination via the online portal ProfondConnect. If your former employee has not informed you of their new pension fund, you do not have to worry about it. Simply report the termination to us without this information. We will contact the insured person directly.
Employees who leave your company up to and including the 15th day of a month will withdraw from the pension fund at the end of the previous month. In the case of terminations from the 16th day of a month onwards, membership of the pension fund is terminated at the end of the current month.
Employees must be de-registered from the occupational pension scheme by the employer if the employment relationship ends or if the entry threshold according to the pension plan is no longer reached. It is also necessary to de-register employees who take early retirement.
Please notify us of the termination via the online portal ProfondConnect. If your former employee has not informed you of their new pension fund, you do not have to worry about it. Simply report the termination to us without this information. We will contact the insured person directly.
Employees who leave your company up to and including the 15th day of a month will withdraw from the pension fund at the end of the previous month. In the case of terminations from the 16th day of a month onwards, membership of the pension fund is terminated at the end of the current month.