Profond Organisation der Stiftung

We are committed to responsible and transparent corporate governance.


We attach great importance to responsible corporate management and supervision geared to long-term success. This includes balancing the interests of the various stakeholders.

According to Article 51a of the Federal Law on Occupational Old-Age, Survivor’s and Disability Insurance (BVG), the Foundation Board is responsible for the overall management and supervision of the Executive Board. It delegates tasks to the Executive Board and committees. The delegation of tasks to third parties is restricted by law. The committees consist of members of the Foundation Board, members of the Executive Board, Profond employees and external experts.

The governing bodies of Profond

Organigramm Profond

Foundation Board

The Foundation Board is responsible for the overall management and control of the Foundation. It ensures that the legally required tasks are fulfilled and determines the strategic goals and principles as well as the means for their fulfilment. Further, it establishes the organisation of the Foundation, ensures its financial stability, and elects the auditors and the occupational pension experts. Number of meetings in the year: 8–9. The term of office of the members of the Foundation Board is four years. Since 1 June 2024, the Foundation Board is composed as follows:


Employee representatives, from left to right: Dieter Stohler, Laura Saïd, Brigitte Bitterli, Aldo Platz.
Employer representatives, from left to right: Stephan Schelling, Bernhard Nitz, Peter E. Bodmer, Werner Murer-Chevalier.
Profond Stiftungsrat Bodmer Peter

Peter E.

(since 2017), President, employer representative
Lic. oec. publ., MBA IMD; Chairman & CEO BEKA Küsnacht AG;
President of the Foundation Board of Profond Investment Foundation*, chairman of the Management Committee, member of the Remuneration Committee, member of the Investment Committee, member of the Real Estate Committee

Other mandates:
Board of Directors of Arbonia Group,
President of the Board of Directors of Helvetica Property Group AG,
President of the Board of Directors of Helvetica Property Investors AG,
President of the Board of Directors of Brütsch/Rüegger Holding AG,
Board of Directors of Kuratle Group,
Board of Directors of Inovetica Holding AG,
Board of Directors of Klinik Schloss Mammern AG,
Board of Directors of Nüssli (Schweiz) AG,
President of the Board of Trustees of Wilhelm Schulthess Foundation,
President of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation Innovationspark Zurich,
Vice President of the University Council of the University of Zurich
Vice President of the Board of Directors of Novus Holding AG,
USZ Zurich, Chair of the Steering Committee for the New Building CM1/CM2,
Managing Director BB's Pure GmbH,
Board of Directors of AGI AG für Isolierungen

*Corporations wholly or partly owned by the Profond Collective Foundation
Profond Stiftungsrat Brigitte Bitterli


(since 2020), employee representative
Lic. iur. Attorney-at-Law; Attorney-at-Law and Partner Kächrecht;
chair of the Risk Committee
Profond Stiftungsrat  Werner Murer-Chevalier


(since 2015), Vice-President, employer representative
Dr. phil. I, Occupational and Organisational Psychology; Managing Partner and BD President mpw Beratungsteam AG;
member of the Management Committee, chairman of the Remuneration Committee

Other mandates:
Foundation Board of mpw-Stiftung
Board of Directors of Messe Zug AG
Profond Stiftungsrat Bernhard Nitz


(since 2020), employer representative
Volkswirtschaftslehre University of Freiburg;
Company owner transformind GmbH;
member of the Risk Committee
Profond Stiftungsrat Aldo Platz


(since 2008), employee representative
Eidg. dipl. Accountant; Head of Administration, Center da sandà Engiadina Bassa; Chairman of the Board of Directors Profond Finanzgesellschaft AG*

*Corporations wholly or partly owned by the Profond Collective Foundation
Profond Stiftungsrat Laura Saïd


(since 2024), employee representative
Masters in Actuarial Studies, HEC Lausanne; Senior Actuary – Head of Pension advisory Finalta Sàrl

Other mandates:
Operations Manager, Ecole Supérieure en Prévoyance Professionelle,
Lecturer at the University of Lausanne,
Lecturer at the Haute Ecole Arc,
Associate judge at the Social Insurance Court of Canton Vaud
Profond Stiftungsrat Stephan Schelling


(since 2019), employer representative
Business economist – Chur University of Applied Sciences, executive programme, Swiss Finance Institute; founder and member of the Board of Directors of Feuerstein Schelling Partner AG; Board of Trustees of Profond Investment Foundation*, chairman of the Investment Committee

*Corporations wholly or partly owned by the Profond Collective Foundation

Profond Stiftungsrat Dieter Stohler


(from 2020), Vice-President, employee representative
B.A. (law) Lawyer; owner Dieter Stohler Vorsorge GmbH; former Director of the Federal Pension Fund Publica; member of the Management Committee; member of the Remuneration Committee; member of the Risk Committee

Other mandates:
Member of the Foundation Board of the Pension Fund of the City of Winterthur,
Member of the Foundation Board of the UBS Vested Benefits Foundation and Fisca Pension Fund of UBS,
Board of Directors of Ardian Investment Switzerland AG,
Former head of the Cantonal BVG Supervisory Authority of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft,
Former member of the Board of the Swiss Pension Fund Association (ASIP),
Lecturer in the field of BVG training

Managing Director

The Managing Director executes the operational tasks according to the instructions of the Foundation Board, and issues the necessary guidelines for the internal organisation.

The Executive Board is composed as follows:

Profond Schlaefli Laurent


Chief Executive Officer
Laurent Schlaefli (since 2017), Managing Director; federally certified Business Economist and EMBA from HEC Paris; Board Director Diploma from IMD Lausanne; over 30 years’ experience in the insurance industry, including senior positions at Winterthur, AXA, Zurich, Swiss Life and Generali in various management, strategy and sales positions, since 2022 President of inter-pension, the association of independent collective and community institutions
Profond Fuchs Christian


Chief Pension Services Officer
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Christian Fuchs (since 2021), Head of Pension Services, Deputy Chief Executive Officer; lawyer / lic.iur.; DAS Pension Fund Management; over 16 years' experience in occupational pension plans in various specialist and management functions
Profond de Capitani Petra

de Capitani

Head of Internal Services
Member of the Executive Board
Petra de Capitani (since 2015), Head of Internal Services; MAS ZFH in Human Resources Management; social insurance specialist with FA Federal Diploma; over 25 years of experience in the field of human resources, including payroll, 15 of which were in social insurance, always in management positions in SMEs for the last 20 years
Profond Haeberli Andreas


Chief Investment Officer
Member of the Executive Board
Andreas Häberli (since 2018), Investment Director; Business Economist KSZ; Member of the Investment Committee 2013–2024; member of the Real Estate Committee; more than 30 years’ experience in banking, including at UBS as Head of Trading, equity business, and at Investment Bank of Switzerland, former board member of SIX, EUREX and Virt-x London
Profond Immler Marco


Head of Business Development
Member of the Executive Board
Marco Immler (since 2017), Head of Business Development; Business Economist FH (university of applied sciences) and MAS Digital Business HWZ (College of Technology, Economics and Administration); over 13 years' experience in the insurance industry in strategy development and in digitalisation projects, building digital ecosystems and business models; previously at KPMG in internal consulting and at Holcim in international sales & marketing
Profond Nowacki Robert


Chief Sales Officer
Member of the Executive Board
Robert Nowacki (since 2018), Head of Sales; over 30 years' experience in the insurance and banking industry, including senior positions in BVG (Occupational Pensions Act) & individual life, technical and sales training of sales staff, strategy and sales responsibility in the insurance industry; establishment and management of a competence centre for pension and financial planning, establishment, development and integration of 1e solutions in private banking


Management Committee

The Management Committee ensures the flow of information between the Foundation Board and the Executive Board in the intervals between the Foundation Board meetings. It prepares the resolutions of the Foundation Board in cooperation with the Executive Board, and prepares the meetings of the Foundation Board.

Number of meetings in the year under review: 11

Peter E. Bodmer, Chair
Werner Murer-Chevalier, Member
Dieter Stohler, Member

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee advises the Foundation Board on the appointment and payment of members of the Foundation Board, the committees and the Executive Board. It prepares budget proposals for personnel costs in consultation with the Foundation Board and the executive management.

Number of meetings in the year under review: 2

Werner Murer-Chevalier, Chair 
Peter E. Bodmer, Member
Dieter Stohler, Member

Risk Committee

The Risk Committee monitors and manages the main risks at Profond. It also supervises the implementation of measures proposed by the risk owners, and reports to the Executive Board and the Foundation Board.

Number of meetings in the year under review: 3

Brigitte Bitterli, Chair
Dieter Stohler, Member
Bernhard Nitz, Member

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is entrusted by the Foundation Board with the implementation of the investment strategy. It selects the portfolio managers, maintains contact with the custodian bank, and reports to the Foundation Board. It develops specifications and administrative instructions for the portfolio managers, makes proposals for improvements to the Investment Regulations and the general investment guidelines, especially concerning the strategic asset allocation. It monitors investment activity and performance. The Committee consists of internal and external members.

Number of meetings in the year under review: 6

Stephan Schelling, Chair
Peter E. Bodmer, Member
Franz Gysin, Member

Information concerning the Profond Investment Foundation and its bodies can be found here.