Would you like to purchase additional benefits from your pension fund? Your advantages and how to make the purchase at a glance.

A purchase brings you a range of advantages. By doing so, you can increase your retirement pension, close any pension gap and save taxes. You also benefit from the advantageous interest rate on your retirement assets.

In order for you to be able to make a purchase, there must be a potential for a purchase. This can exist for various reasons. For example, due to wage increases, an interruption of your work or an improvement in the pension plan. Your pension certificate provides you with information about your purchase potential in the “Additional information” section. The amount shown on the pension certificate is the amount as at the cut-off date of the pension certificate. The amount you can actually deposit depends on the time of purchase and other factors. Before each purchase, we would ask you to submit the application for a purchase of the full regulatory benefits.

How to apply for your purchase

You can calculate and apply for your purchase directly in our online portal ProfondConnect. You can find the corresponding function under “Simulations with application”. If you do not yet have access to ProfondConnect, you can request your access code here.

Here, you will find everything explained simply and a video that guides you step by step through the purchase process.
Explanatory video (available only in German)

Our explanatory video shows in a simple way how pension gaps arise, why it can make sense to purchase into the pension fund and what advantages this brings for the insured person.