Profond Laura Saïd

Laura Saïd newly elected to the Profond Foundation Board

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There has been a change in the Profond Foundation Board. Laura Saïd will become the new representative for Western Switzerland and represents the interests of employees on the Profond Foundation Board. The election of the designated specialist for occupational retirement benefits will continue to ensure consistency and expertise in the Foundation Board.

Laura Saïd was newly elected to the Profond Foundation Board in the general election and takes office on 1 June 2024. She represents the interests of Western Switzerland and the employees. The designated specialist for occupational retirement benefits holds a Master’s degree in actuarial mathematics and is Operational Manager at Ecole Supérieure en Prévoyance Professionnelle. She also shares her expertise as a lecturer at the University of Lausanne and at the Haute-Ecole Arc and acts as an associate judge at the Social Security Court of the canton of Vaud.

Saïd says of her new mandate: “I am very pleased to provide Profond with my many years of experience in the field of occupational retirement benefits. As an associate judge at the Social Security Court, I also attach great importance to fairness and compliance with the statutory framework in the pensions sector.”

Laura Saïd ideally meets the job requirements. Laurent Schlaefli, Managing Director of Profond, comments on the general election: “We are delighted with the election of Laura Saïd. With their excellent track record, the consistency and expertise of the newly assembled Foundation Board will continue to be ensured”.

Frédéric E. Goetschmann, who is stepping down at the end of his term of office after eight years on the Profond Foundation Board, has not taken part in the general election. Profond thanks him for his long and dedicated commitment. After the general election, the newly constituted Foundation Board is composed as follows:

Employee representatives

  • Brigitte Bitterli (current)
  • Aldo Platz (current)
  • Dieter Stohler (current)
  • Laura Saïd (new)

Employer representatives

  • Peter E. Bodmer (current)
  • Werner Murer-Chevalier (current)
  • Bernhard Nitz (current)
  • Stephan Schelling (current)