In addition to normal retirement, there is early retirement, deferred retirement and partial retirement. Learn more about the different possibilities.

A normal retirement takes place for women and men at 65 years. By law, you also have the option of flexible retirement. In addition, you can choose whether you want to withdraw your retirement assets at retirement in the form of a lifelong retirement pension or in whole or in part in the form of a lump sum.

Normal retirement

The regulatory reference age is the same as the AHV reference age (65). The amount of the retirement pension corresponds to the accrued retirement assets, multiplied by the conversion rate at retirement age. With a normal retirement, your employer and you do not need to do anything. Since we know the date of retirement, we will contact you 4 to 6 months in advance and provide you with the following documents in ProfondConnect:

  • “Reply regarding retirement”
  • “Request for lump sum payment of retirement benefits”
  • “Information sheet Retirement”

If you do not have an account with ProfondConnect, you will receive the documents by post.

Early retirement

Early retirement is possible from the age of 58 at the earliest. If early retirement is taken, the retirement pension will be reduced. The accrued retirement assets and the conversion rate, which corresponds to the early retirement age, are decisive for the calculation of the retirement pension. The reduction in the retirement pension can be cancelled in whole or in part by a purchase. Your early retirement will be reported to us by your employer – ideally 4 to 6 months before retirement.

If you are interested in early retirement, you can simulate different scenarios and their impact on your pension in ProfondConnect. You can find the corresponding function under "Simulations – multi-stage simulation".

After we have received the notification from your employer, we will send you all of the documents necessary. These include:

  • “Reply regarding retirement”
  • “Request for lump sum payment of retirement benefits”
  • “Information sheet Retirement”

Please fill out the form “Retirement reply letter" and send it back to us.  In the case of a lump-sum withdrawal, also submit to us the form "Request for lump-sum payment of retirement benefits" together with an official certification of your spouse’s signature or your proof of marital status (if your marital status is single, divorced or widowed).

Postponement of retirement

In consultation with your employer, retirement can be postponed until the age of 70. In this case, the retirement pension is paid at the time of cessation of employment, but at the latest at the age of 70. The amount of the retirement pension corresponds to the accrued retirement assets, multiplied by the conversion rate at retirement age. A postponement of retirement will be reported to us by your employer. In the case of continued insurance after normal retirement age, no risk contributions are levied. Only the savings contributions and administrative costs are continued.

Partial retirement

Retirement can also take place gradually. In the case of partial retirement, the amount of the retirement assets distributed early corresponds to the respective percentage reduction in the level of employment.

Withdrawal of the retirement benefit as a lump sum

If you would like to receive your retirement benefits in whole or in part in the form of a lump sum, we require a written declaration. This must be submitted no later than the last working day before the month of retirement. In the case of married persons, the declaration is only valid with the officially certified consent of the spouse. All other insured persons must enclose a current proof of marital status (available from the municipality of residence) with the application.

Information on the AHV retirement pension

The AHV retirement pension is not paid out automatically; you have to apply for it. You should submit your application about three to four months before you retire, so that the compensation office obtains the necessary documents and calculates the amount of your pension. You can find the application form here.


Are you looking for assistance with financial or retirement planning?             

The Verein BVG Auskünfte, with its 160 experts on occupational pensions, will help you free of charge. You can find more information on what it has to offer here (available in German and French only).