Die Organe von Profond

The members of the staff pension fund commissions have elected the Foundation Board for the new term of office.

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The current term of office of the Foundation Board of the Profond Pension Fund expires on 31 July 2020. The Board has now been elected. From 1 August 2020, the Foundation Board will be composed as follows:

Employee representatives

  • Brigitte Bitterli (new, observer since October 2019), 139 votes
  • Aldo Platz (already serving), 116 votes
  • Dieter Stohler (Deputy Chairman – new, observer since October 2019), 107 votes
  • Bernhard Nitz (new), 85 votes
  • Josy Bucher, not elected, 77 votes
  • Mario Serratore, not elected, 53 votes

Turnout: 8%

Employer representatives

  • Peter E. Bodmer (Chairman – already serving)
  • Werner Murer-Chevalier (Deputy Chairman – already serving)
  • Frédéric E. Goetschmann (already serving)
  • Stephan Schelling (already serving)

The employer representatives were automatically re-elected, as no other candidates stood for election.

Beda Mrose and Denis Mazouer are retiring from the Foundation Board at the end of July. Willy Theilacker, who has been a member of the Foundation Board since the Foundation’s inception, is also stepping down and will now act as an observer. Peter Bodmer, Chairman of the Foundation Board, said: “We’d like to thank the departing members of the Foundation Board for their many years of dedicated service. With the election of the new members, continuity and extensive expertise in the various specialist topics will, of course, continue to be guaranteed, and we look forward to working together in the newly composed Foundation Board.”