Portraitbild Laurent Schlaefli

«Surpluses to insured persons» - The new president of inter-pension on the challenges of collective institutions and pension provision.

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You have only been president of inter-pension for a few days. How far does your experience with full insurance help you here?

I was never involved in pension areas when I worked in insurance companies. But looking back on the time during which I worked at Axa, the exit from full insurance at the time proves to be completely right. This exit happened at the right time.

In some other interviews you sound like a full-blooded politician with statements like «The second pillar has proven itself very well» - is that also important for your new job here?

Those were some statements I made in my role as head of the Profond pension fund on various aspects of occupational pension provision. Now, here at the association, we will work more closely with politicians and support them in their deliberations.

Read the whole interview in the Handelszeitung (in german).