Begrüssung von Stiftungspräsident Peter Bodmer zur Generalversammlung 2022 der Profond Vorsorgeeinrichtung

At yesterday's General Assembly, we looked back on an extremely successful 2021, said goodbye to Willy Theilacker and learned more about customer orientation in the keynote speech by Léa Miggiano, Co-Founder Carvolution.

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With a return of 12.8% and an interest rate on retirement assets of 8%, as well as a one-off supplementary pension of CHF 1000 for our pensioners, we have concluded an extremely successful 2021.

In a comparison of pension funds by the SonntagsZeitung, Profond once again received the award for the highest interest rate over 10 years - for the fourteenth time. 

Our track record so far: Ø more than 5.4% annual return since inception. 

Our most important findings: Our real value strategy has proven itself. We are sticking to it. Even in uncertain times like this year. 

Long-term thinking and acting is crucial.

Until the next General Assembly on 27.06.2023.