Präventionskampagne Online-Anlagebtrug

Prevention campaign: Beware of online investment fraud

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in today's digital world, where investment opportunities are just a click away, the temptation to make money quickly and easily is great. While the diverse investment market ranges from traditional options such as gold and real estate to new forms such as cryptocurrencies, there are also many pitfalls lurking. Online investment scams are real and can affect anyone who is not careful.

Why caution is advised

Whether individual or institutional investors, scammers are finding increasingly sophisticated ways to get their money. They exploit investors' curiosity and sometimes ignorance to lure them into seemingly lucrative but actually fraudulent investment options.

To make our policyholders aware of these dangers, we have sent them the brochure "What you should know about online investment fraud" from the Swiss Crime Prevention on the subject of online investment fraud. This offers insights into the mechanisms of fraud and practical tips for prevention. The following is a brief excerpt from it:

How to protect yourself

  • inform yourself thoroughly

    Take the time to inform yourself comprehensively about investment forms and options. Understand the risks and opportunities involved.
  • don't fall for pressure tactics

    Scammers often work with pressure to force a quick decision. Take your time and make informed decisions.
  • check the sources

    Always check the legitimacy of providers and investment products. Don't just rely on reviews or recommendations; do your own due diligence.

Online investment fraud is a serious threat that investors are often unaware of. Therefore, be vigilant, inform yourself and do not be seduced by promises of quick profits. Because the basic rule is: quick money without the risk of loss is an illusion!

For further information, we recommend the brochure of the Swiss Crime Prevention. You can download it here.