
Secure your colleagues' future: A guide for members of the staff pension fund commission

Occupational pensions are more than just a topic for financial experts – they are an essential aspect for the financial security of all employees. Staff pension fund commissions (PVKs) play a decisive role in maintaining this security. But what exactly are their tasks, rights and duties? How are they composed? We have put together a collection of answers to these questions here.

What is a staff pension fund commission?

A staff pension fund commission is a decisive institution for each affiliated pension fund, for both employers and professional associations alike. They ensure that the pension plans offered by Profond are tailored to the individual needs of the employees and employers.

Composition of the staff pension fund commission

A staff pension fund commission consists of at least two members, equal numbers of which are representatives of the employees and the employer. Each representative must be an actively contributing member. Self-employed persons (without employees) who have joined the pension fund of a professional association can also be representatives.

The staff pension fund commission constitutes itself and informs the Foundation Board of its composition and of any change. Every motion submitted to Profond must be signed by one employee representative and one employer representative.

Legal situation when a collective foundation affiliates

Legal relationships of a pension fund commission




The staff pension fund commission has the following tasks:

  1. Resolution on the pension plan: It decides on the pension plan offered by Profond, which the employer accepts as binding.
  2. Use of uncommitted funds: It passes a resolution on the use of any uncommitted funds that may be available to the pension fund according to Profond's principles.
  3. Advising insured members: It advises and informs the insured members.
  4. Supervising registrations: It monitors the employer's registration of all of the information required for the insurance with Profond.
  5. Checking contributions: It checks the payment of employee and employer contributions to Profond.
  6. Nominations for election: It submits nominations for the election of the Foundation Board and elects same.
  7. Communication with management: It informs management of material decisions.

Rights and duties

As a member of the staff pension fund commission, you take on an important role in your employer's pension fund. You are responsible for the pension plans meeting the needs of the insured members and your colleagues. You are also responsible for representing the interests of the insured members and ensuring that they receive all of the information and advice they require.


  • Insight into all matters relating to staff pension schemes

  • Right to information

  • The design, amendment and approval
    of the pension plan (elective pension plans)

  • A say in the use of uncommitted funds

  • A say in the selection of and
    in any change to the pension solution

  • Informing insured members
    about organisation, activities, investments

  • The supervision of reporting

  • Timely payment of the
    employee and employer contributions

  • The election of the staff pension fund commission
    (arranging for election of replacement/new members)

  • Election of the Foundation Board, including the submission of nominations for election



Liability pursuant to Art. 52 (1) BVG (German)

Just like all individuals entrusted with the administration or management of the pension fund and the occupational pension expert, the staff pension fund commission is liable for any losses it intentionally or negligently causes.

Duty of confidentiality, pursuant to Art. 86 BVG (German)

Members of the staff pension fund commission (PVK) are subject to a statutory duty of confidentiality with regard to facts becoming known to them within the scope of their work. This duty remains in place after their role comes to an end.

We support you

Training for members of the staff pension fund commission

We offer a basic course for PVK members insured with Profond. Learn in one day what you need to know about occupational retirement benefits and investments. The courses are held in German and French. Find out more.

Do you have any further questions?

Please contact us, we will be happy to help you. You can find our contact form here.

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