You can find all the important information about the occupational pension on your pension certificate.
A brief explanation of your pension certificate
Would you like to understand your pension certificate? Click on the numbers to get detailed explanations of the individual points.
Please check your personal details and the reported AHV annual salary on your pension certificate. Report any errors to your employer.
The contractually agreed AHV annual salary reported by the employer, including the 13th month salary and any bonuses.
Wage changes during the year are taken into account immediately.
The annual salary that has been reduced by any coordination deduction, which is actually insured with Profond. This can be limited to a certain amount. It is also possible, for example, that a different salary is insured for the savings part than for the risk part. Therefore, several different insured salaries may be indicated on your pension certificate. The details can be found in your employer’s pension plan.
Your insured annual salary forms the basis for calculating your retirement credits, risk contributions and age, survivors’ and disability benefits (depending on the agreement).
The savings contribution is calculated based on the insured savings salary and is credited to your retirement assets.
The risk contribution is calculated on the basis of the insured risk salary and is used to finance the disability and survivors’ benefits.
The administrative expenses contribution is charged for the administrative expenses of Profond for the implementation of the occupational pension provision. The insured risk salary is decisive for determining the amount. The minimum contribution is CHF 60 per year and the maximum contribution is CHF 300 per year.
The total of the termination benefits paid in for the current year, voluntary purchases, repayments of early withdrawals for residential property and transfers in the event of divorce.
The reduction of retirement assets through a possible early withdrawal for residential property, a payment in the event of divorce or a lump-sum withdrawal in the event of partial retirement.
Consists of the employee and employer savings contributions and is credited to your retirement assets annually at the end of the year.
The interest on the deposits, as well as on the retirement assets, at the end of the previous year is credited to your retirement assets annually at the end of the year.
This corresponds to the sum of all retirement credits credited up to the reporting date plus deposits (point 7) minus payments (point 8), including interest.
If an insured person has not purchased the full regulatory benefits in relation to the regulatory reference age, they can purchase in until they reach the reference age, but at the latest until the age of 70. The purchase sums paid are credited to the individual regulatory retirement assets.
If these purchase opportunities are exhausted, the reduction of the retirement pension in the event of early retirement can also be cancelled in whole or in part by a purchase.
You can receive your retirement benefits in the form of a monthly pension, a pension with temporary capital protection or as a one-time lump-sum payment. We also offer you any combination of pension and lump-sum payment.
Regular retirement: The regulatory reference age is 65 for men and women.
Early retirement: This is possible from the age of 58 with a corresponding pension reduction. During the period of early retirement, an AHV bridging pension can be drawn from the pension fund. This payment results in a life-long reduction of the retirement pension and any pensioner’s child allowance.
Postponement of retirement: If you continue to work after reaching the reference age, you can postpone retirement in whole or in part – but for a maximum of 5 years.
Corresponds to your (hypothetical) assets at the time of the reference age: Based on your current retirement assets, the future retirement credits (savings contributions) are extrapolated using the same annual salary, including interest (for the current year with a 1.25% projection interest rate, from the following year with a 2.00% projection interest rate). These notional retirement assets form the basis for calculating the budgeted annual retirement pension.
The Profond Foundation Board determines the interest rate annually. The anticipated retirement benefits are projections based on current assumptions and no legal entitlement can be derived from them.
The projected retirement assets are converted into a lifelong retirement pension at the conversion rate in force at the time of your retirement age. The conversion rate is laid down in the pension fund regulations and amounts to:
- Women an men born in 1960, regular retirement in 2025: 5.6%
The benefits shown are valid in the event of the death of the insured person before receiving the retirement pension and before reaching the reference age. These benefits are usually dependent on the insured annual salary.
The surviving spouse of pensioners receives 60% or orphans 20% of the current pension.
The spouse of a deceased insured person is entitled to a lifelong spouse’s pension. Registered partners have the same legal status as the spouse.
Persons are also entitled to a partner’s pension if, among other things, they can prove that they lived in an exclusive relationship with the deceased insured person for an uninterrupted period of at least five years immediately prior to the insured person's death or that they are responsible for the maintenance of at least one joint child. Both people must be unmarried. The life partnership must be reported to Profond using the form “Notification of a life partnership”.
Will be paid until the 18th year of age. If the orphans are in education, the pension is paid until the completion of the education, but at the latest until their 25th birthday.
In the event of the death of an insured person before receiving a pension and before reaching the reference age, the existing retirement assets shall be transferred as a lump sum payable at death to the beneficiaries in accordance with the Pension Fund Regulations Art. 30 para. 2. The order of the beneficiaries can be adjusted, if necessary, with the form “Order of beneficiaries for lump sum payable at death”.
The pension plan may provide for an additional lump sum payable at death. This is paid out to the beneficiaries in the same way as the lump sum payable at death.
In a disability case, Profond pays a disability allowance after a waiting period specified in the pension plan (usually 720 days). The waiting period depends on the duration of the continued payment of wages and the daily sick pay payments, which must amount to at least 80 per cent of the lost salary and at least half of which have been co-financed by the employer. Disability benefits are usually dependent on the insured risk salary.
The pensions shown are the insured risk benefit with a degree of disability of at least 70%. If the degree of disability is lower, the benefits are reduced. There is no entitlement to a disability allowance below a degree of disability of 40%.
The risks of death and disability are covered by various social insurance schemes depending on the cause (illness/accident). If several institutions are responsible, coordination is carried out to avoid overcompensation. The benefits to the insured person are limited through corresponding reductions to a maximum of 90% of the presumed lost earnings.
Persons who are entitled to a disability allowance are also entitled to child’s disability pensions for children under the age of 18. If the children are in education, the pension is paid until the completion of the education, but at the latest until their 25th birthday.
Upon receipt of a termination benefit from a former pension fund or a vested benefits account from a vested benefits foundation, you will receive a new pension certificate. The termination benefits received are shown here.
An early withdrawal for home ownership promotion can be claimed up to the reference age. It must be at least CHF 20 000 (exception: the purchase of share certificates in a housing cooperative or similar holdings) and can be made every five years.
The early withdrawal leads to a reduction in retirement benefits, as the retirement assets are reduced. The corresponding form is available on our website and you can find it in your ProfondConnect online access.
The right to repayment exists until the reference age.
If, in the event of divorce, part of your termination benefit is awarded to the entitled spouse, this proportion will be listed here.
In the opposite case, the shares of the termination benefit awarded and credited to you will also be listed here.
Profond can make a reservation for health reasons for the risks of death and disability. Such reservations may be made for a maximum of five years.
If you have potential for a purchase, you can purchase in at Profond. You may pay the purchase amount in addition to the contributions you pay monthly in order to improve your retirement benefits. You can also deduct the amount from your taxable income.
The purchase potential shown on the pension certificate relates to the reporting date of the certificate. The amount you can actually deposit depends on the time of purchase and other factors. Before each purchase, we ask you to submit the application for a purchase of full regulatory benefits. To do this, click on “Simulations with request” in the menu of the ProfondConnect insurance portal and then on “Purchase”.
Please note that the benefits resulting from a purchase may not be withdrawn in capital form during the following three years. In addition to the actual purchase, you have other options for increasing your retirement pension. In the event of a divorce, you can pay back as part of the transferred termination benefit or repay any early withdrawals for home ownership promotion. An actual purchase at Profond can only take place if any previous early withdrawal has been fully repaid as part of home ownership promotion or the repayment is no longer permitted by law.
This amount is available for the (partial) financing of your owner-occupied residential property, for the amortisation of mortgages or for renovations.
The retirement assets (or part thereof) or the pension benefits shown on the pension certificate may be pledged to a bank or other creditor.
For insured persons who enter into a marriage or a registered partnership, Profond must by law record the termination benefit acquired up to this point in time.
If you have reached the age of 50 the termination benefit at the age of 50 must be recorded by law. This amount is usually available for a maximum early withdrawal under the home ownership promotion scheme.
All information on this model pension certificate and the declarations on the pension certificate are for information purposes and do not constitute a legal claim. It is based on the currently valid pension fund regulations and pension plan.
The projected interest rate
The projected interest rate is used for the preliminary calculation of retirement assets and retirement pensions at retirement age. This is a hypothetical interest rate and is not guaranteed. It corresponds to Profond’s technical interest rate, insofar as there is no agreement to the contrary in the Pension Plan.
To give you an approximation of the amount of your assets on retirement, your projected retirement assets and projected annual retirement pension are stated on your pension certificate.
The BVG minimum interest rate is used for the interest rate for your retirement assets for the current year, and the projected interest rate is used for the subsequent years until your retirement. The Foundation Board sets the interest rate each year. The projected retirement benefits and the associated retirement pension are projections. They are not guaranteed and therefore no legal claim can be derived from them.
In a nutshell: The retirement assets accrued, the future savings credits and the actual annual interest rate are what decide the level of the future retirement benefits (and not the projection). The conversion rate (calculated as a percentage of the retirement capital) also influences the retirement pension.