Portraitbild Laurent Schlaefli

Strategic insights: Asset management and cost efficiency in pension funds

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As part of the Swisscanto study, Laurent Schlaefli, Managing Director of Profond and President of inter-pension, commented on management costs in occupational pension schemes. He argues that these costs are moderate in relation to the total assets of pension funds and points to significant opportunities for cost savings through digitalisation and increased efficiency, particularly with regard to administrative tasks.

Laurent Schlaefli emphasises that asset management costs strongly depend on the respective investment strategy. While alternative investments tend to generate higher costs, they can also contribute to risk diversification and increase expected returns.

Furthermore, he emphasises the need for digitalisation and the optimisation of processes to reduce administrative costs, especially when insured persons change jobs and thus pension funds.

We invite you to read the study and the full explanations by Laurent Schlaefli here (German).