Our Case Management – a win-win situation for you and your employees.
Profond Care
Almost every employer has encountered it: an employee has suffered a burn-out or a car accident, and for a long time afterwards is only able to work at a reduced number of hours per week, or not at all.
Such situations represent major challenges for companies. This is exactly where Profond Care comes in. Whether you have questions about health and work, or insurance policies, we will advise you on all matters – professionally, flexibly and unbureaucratically.
But that is not all. If one of your employees is threatened with a long-term incapacity to work, an experienced Profond specialist will contact you to discuss the procedure. If the situation requires further advice and consultancy for you and your employees, Profond offers a Case Management service.
The Case Manager contacts the doctors, therapists and insurance companies involved, and ensures that the employee is kept well-informed and is supported in the best possible way during reintegration.
We will be happy to advise you:
The Case Manager gives you answers to questions such as the following:
How can you prevent or mitigate an impending case of an employee’s incapacity to work?
How can you help an employee to return to work?
How can you communicate with a sick or injured employee?
Which insurance companies offer support in such situations?
What are the next steps when an employee is unable to return to the workplace?
In this way, Profond Care actively contributes towards enabling your employee to return to work. Our case management does not entail any additional costs for you – so it is a win-win situation for all parties involved.
Please get in touch with us should you have any questions! We will be happy to help.
A summary of the benefits of Profond Care
- In the event of an employee’s impending incapacity to work, we offer you a solution tailored to your requirements.
- You are left free to concentrate on your core tasks – we relieve you of this workload and take charge of coordinating the reintegration process.
- Our measures aim to ensure your employees’ sustainable return to work, which can significantly reduce the disability risk.
- No additional costs are incurred by you when you and your employees use the services of Profond Care.
- We advise you on all issues concerning the work and health of your employees.
- We support you in detecting any impending incapacity to work at an early stage.
- We have a network of highly qualified partners throughout Switzerland in the field of occupational reintegration.